— About Us

Non-invasive Pain Management Specialists

Our focus is on healing the root cause of pain and discomfort, with the goal of minimizing the need for drugs or surgery. The doctors, nurse practitioners, and rehabilitation technicians on staff offer a wide variety of treatments that include physical therapy rehabilitation, diabetic neuropathy therapy, wound care, chiropractic, nutritional therapy, and many others.

Conditions We Treat

Our patients come to us because they are looking for a Non-Surgical, Non-Medication focused treatment for:

If that is you, here is a quick introduction and overview of the conditions we treat at Advanced Care Specialists.

Common Causes of Injury

Is your injury from one of these causes?

These are the injuries that we treat everyday at Advanced Care Specialists.

And best of all, we help you avoid the surgery and reduce the need for pain medication that many other medical clinics will recommend.

If you’ve been told you need surgery, please make sure to get a second opinion and see if there are non-surgical solutions for treatment.

How We Are Different

Too many times, we’ve seen a broken patient treatment and recovery experience.

Our goal at ACS is to fix that.

We offer multiple disciplines in our pain management and injury recovery clinic.

This means you get a customized treatment plan that can include physical therapy, medical treatment, advanced laser therapies, and nutritional planning.

All under one roof… and focused on healing and recovery without surgery.

What to Expect At Your Initial Consultation

When you are ready, this is the process you can expect for your initial evaluation and consultation.

— Testimonials

What Our Patients Say

Get Treatment for Your Pain

Make an appointment and find out how Advanced Care Specialists can help you get pain relief. It is time for you to be able to enjoy life again.


5439 Durand Ave #100
Racine, WI 53406


MON-THU: 9 AM - 7 PM
FRI: 9 AM - 3 PM